Bdud ʼjoms Khros ma (Zab gsaṅ sṅags kyi yaṅ źun Ma gcig Khros maʼi gcod gźuṅ sgrub thabs ri chos sñiṅ po ʼod gsal ʼbum snaṅ) : a collection of Nyingmapa liturgical works focussing upon the deity Khros-ma, from the visions and terma rediscoveries of Bdud-ʼjoms-gliṅ-pa

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bdud-ʼjoms-gliṅ-pa, Gter-ston, b. 1835
Other Authors: ʼJigs-med-nam-mkhaʼi-rdo-rje, Khyuṅ-sprul, 1897-1956
Published: New Thobgyal, H.P. : distributor Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre, 1973-1974.
Global Resources Program:Southeast Asia Materials Project (SEAM)


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