The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High Court of Parliament in Westminister-Hall, on an impeachment by the Commons of Great-Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanours : Containing the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of Parliament, relating to that celebrated prosecution, from February 17, 1786, until his acquittal, April 23, 1795 .

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Bibliografische gegevens
Hoofdauteur: Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818
Coauteurs: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords, East India Company
Gepubliceerd in: London : and Vernor and Hood, Printed for J. Debrett ; 1796.
Reeks:British trials, 1660-1900 ; no.931.

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