Holiday house : a series of tales

"In these pages the author has endeavored to paint that species of noisy, frolicsome, mischievous children, which is now almost extinct ... and when, admidst many faults and eccentricities, there is still some individuality of character and feeling allowed to remain."--Preface, p.v.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sinclair, Catherine, 1800-1864
Corporate Authors: Craighead, Robert (Printer), Howlands (Firm) (Engraver)
Other Authors: Herrick, Henry Walker, 1824-1906 (Engraver), Croome, William, 1790-1860 (Illustrator)
Published: New York : Robert Carter & Bros., 1853
Series:Preservation and Access for American and British Children's Literature, 1850-1869 (NEH PA-23536-00)
Historical children's literature, 1850-1869 ; r.142.

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