By the Honourable Col. Francis Nicholson, and Col. Samuel Vetch. A proclamation : whereas Her Majesty hath been pleased to intrust us with Her royal commands and instructions to the governours of Her several provinces upon the continent of America, who are to furnish their respective quota's towards the present expedition

Requesting volunteers for the expedition to Canada and Acadia.

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Podrobná bibliografie
Hlavní autor: Nicholson, Francis, 1655-1728
Korporativní autor: Massachusetts. Governor (1702-1715 : Dudley)
Další autoři: Vetch, Samuel, 1668-1732
Vydáno: [Boston?] : [Bartholomew Green, printer to the Massachusetts governor and Council ], [1709?]
Edice:LLMC-digital (Series)
On-line přístup:LLMC Digital
Příbuzné jednotky:Print version: By the Honourable Col. Francis Nicholson, and Col. Samuel Vetch.

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