Thomas Butler Gunn
Thomas Butler Gunn (15 February 1826 – 7 April 1904) was an English born illustrator, writer and war correspondent who spent fourteen years in America. His diaries of this period provide details of his life amongst the bohemian writers and artist in New York including Frank Bellew, Sol Eytinge Jr., Fanny Fern, Thomas Nast, James Parton, Fitz James O'Brien, Alfred Waud and Walt Whitman. Provided by Wikipedia-
1by Gunn, Thomas Butler### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>
Published 1857New York : Mason Brothers, 1857.300 p. : ill. -
2by Gunn, Thomas Butler### CRL customization ### ?> ### Add publisher and desc details ### ?>
Published 1857New York, Mason Brothers, 1857.300 p. illus.