1Dublin : Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl on Temple-Bar,v.“...Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl...”
2Dublin : Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl on Temple-Bar,“...Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl...”
3Dublin : Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl on Temple-Bar,v.“...Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl...”
4Dublin : Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl on Temple-Bar,v.“...Printed by C. Dickson, at the General-Post-Office-Printing-House, next door to the Punch-Bowl...”