institute » institut (Hedatu)
Erakusten 1 - 2 emaitzak -- 2 bilaketa honetara 'Institute of Management Sciences]', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,09s Findu emaitzak
  1. 1
    nork Gent, Virgil van
    Argitaratua 1982
    Delft, Netherlands : Research Institute for Management Sciences, [1982?]
    ii, 64 p. ; 27 cm.
    ...Research Institute for Management Sciences,...
  2. 2
    Argitaratua 2009
    New York : Tehran : Lahore : American Institute of Iranian Studies ; Association for the Study of Persianate Societies ; co-sponsors, Lahore University of Management Sciences : University of the Punjab, 2009.
    142 p. ; 21 cm.
    ...-sponsors, Lahore University of Management Sciences : University of the Punjab,...

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