[Transcripts of "Nigeria, Hausa program series, 1968-1970"] /

This Hausa collection contains 5 plays by Alex La Guma, oral traditions, and discussions on the following topics: journalism, change and control, African leaders, human rights, cities, need for law, contact and conflict, travellers in Africa, migration, Africa and the world and His Excellency the Am...

Cur síos iomlán

Sábháilte in:
Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Údar corparáideach: Indiana University, Bloomington. Archives of Traditional Music
Rannpháirtithe: La Guma, Alex, Duerden, Dennis (Tiomsaitheoir)
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: [Chicago, Ill.] : [Center for Research Libraries], [2012]
Sraith:[Dennis Duerden collection of sound recordings relating to African novelists, poets, playwrights, artists and musicians; African history, politics, and social questions]
Rochtain ar líne:Center for Research Libraries
Le fáil in:Original sound recordings: [Nigeria, Hausa program series, 1968-1970]
Global Resources Program:Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP)

Monograph Rochtain ar líne