By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq ; ... A proclamation : Forasmuch as the Island of Sables is not inhabited, and so scituated as it often happens, that ships and other vessels are unfortunately cast on said island ... And whereas Mr. Andrew Le Mercier, by his petition has represented to me the great advantage it would be to His Majesty's subjects to make a settlement on said island ... Given at the Council chamber in Boston, the fourth day of September 1738

September 4, 1738 Proclamation by Governor Jonathan Belcher which forbade the killing any of the cattle, sheep, swine, or other creatures that were on the Island of Sables; this would then provide relief for those who might subsequently be shipwrecked there.

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Podrobná bibliografie
Korporativní autor: Massachusetts. Governor (1730-1741 : Belcher)
Vydáno: Boston : Printed by J. Draper, printer to his excellency the governour & Council, [1738]
On-line přístup:LLMC Digital
Příbuzné jednotky:Print version: By His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq; ... A proclamation.

Vládní dokument Monograph On-line přístup

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