By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq ; ... A proclamation : Whereas upon Tuesday the twenty-fifth of September last, an heinous riot was committed in the town of Bristol ... Given at the Council chamber in Boston, the eighteenth day of October, 1744

October 18. 1744 Proclamation by Governor William Shirley for the arrest of various named and unnamed rioters in the town of Bristol, along with a reward for their capture.

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Údar corparáideach: Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley)
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Boston : Printed by John Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, [1744]
Rochtain ar líne:LLMC Digital
Le fáil in:Print version: By His Excellency William Shirley, Esq; ... A proclamation.

Doiciméad rialtais Monograph Rochtain ar líne

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