A general digest of the civil rulings of Her Majesty's Privy Council from 1834 to 1887 and of the High Courts in India from 1862 to 1887 : contained in 151 vols. of the Law reports, viz. 29 vols of the Privy Council decisions, 68 vols. of the Calcutta High Court reports, 22 vols. of the Bombay High Court reports, 17 vols. of the Madras High Court reports, 15 vols. of the N.W.P. High Court reports : with innumberable cross-references together with notes showing cases over-ruled, followed, approved of, commented upon and distinguished &c. &c.

Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Khandekar, G. H.
Egile korporatiboa: Great Britain. Privy Council. Judicial Committee, India. High Court (Kolkata, India), India. Bombay High Court, India. High Court (Chennai, India), North-Western Provinces (India). High Court of Judicature
Argitaratua: Poona : Khandekar, 1887.
Sarrera elektronikoa:LLMC Digital
Antzeko dokumentuak:Print version: General digest of the civil rulings of her Majesty's Privy Council from 1834 to 1887 and of the High Courts in India from 1862 to 1887 ... with innumberable cross-references together with notes showing cases over-ruled, followed, approved of, commented upon and distinguished &c. &c.

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