The autobiography of Mdo Mkhyen-brtse Ye-śes-rdo-rje : being the texts of Rig ʼdzin ʼJigs med gliṅ paʼi yaṅ srid Sṅags ʼchaṅ ʼJaʼ lus rdo rjeʼi rnam thar mkhaʼ ʼgroʼi źal luṅ, together with teachings from the Yaṅ gsaṅʼ [sic] Mkhaʼ ʼgroʼi thugs thig precepts revealed by Ye-śes-rdo-rje

Life and esoteric teachings of a Nyingmapa (Rñiṅ-ma-pa) visionary from the Golok area of Amdo.

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Ye-śes-rdo-rje, Mdo Mkhyen-brtse, 1800-1859?
מחברים אחרים: ʼOd-zer-mthaʼ-yas, Ñer-gnas, Skal-bzaṅ-don-ʼgrub, Khro-chen
יצא לאור: Gangtok : Dodrup Chen Rimpoche, 1974.
Global Resources Program:Southeast Asia Materials Project (SEAM)


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