By His Excellency William Tryon, Esq ; captain general, and governor in chief, in and over the province of New-York ... A proclamation : Whereas it is the ancient and incontestible right of this colony, to extend to Connecticut River as its eastern boundary ; and sundry loose and disorderly persons pretending a claim under New Hampshire, to lands far westward of the said river ... Given under my hand and seal at arms, at Fort-George, in the city of New-York, the eleventh day of December, 1771 .

Concerning the border dispute between New York and New Hampshire.

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Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Údar corparáideach: New York (Colony). Governor (1771-1780 : Tryon)
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: [New York] : [Printed by Hugh Gaine], [1771]
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Le fáil in:Print version: By His Excellency William Tryon, Esq; captain general and governor in chief, in and over the province of New-York, and the territories depending thereon in America, chancellor, and vice-admiral of the same. A proclamation.

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