A Conference held at the fort at St. George's in the county of York, the fourth day of August, anno regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae, &c. decimo sexto, annoq ; domini, 1742. : between His Excellency William Shirley, Esq ; captain general and governour in chief in and over His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, and the chief sachems & captains of the Penobscott, Norridgewock, Pigwaket or Amiscogging or Saco, St. John's, Bescommonconty or Amerescogging and St. Francis tribes of Indians

Conference between Captain-General and Governor William Shirley of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and the Chief Sachems and Captains of the Penobscott, Norridgewock, Pigwaket or Amiscogging or Saco, St. John's, Bescommonconty or Amerescogging and St. Francis tribes of Indians, and held at t...

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Autor Corporativo: Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley)
Publicado: Boston : Printed by J. Draper, printer to His Excellency the governour and Council, 1742.
Acceso en liña:LLMC Digital
Títulos relacionados:Print version: Conference held at the fort at St. George's in the county of York, the fourth day of August, anno regni Regis Georgii Secundi, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae, &c. decimo sexto, annoq; domini, 1742.

Government Document Conference Proceeding Monograph Acceso en liña

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