In Convention of the Representatives of the state of New-York, Kingston, April 1, 1777 : Whereas from the want of courts properly instituted for the trial of treasons ... resolved, that all such persons as have been or shall be apprehended, in this state, without the enemy's lines ... be tried for the said offences by martial law .

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awdur Corfforaethol: New York (State). Convention of the Representatives
Cyhoeddwyd: [Fishkill, N.Y.] : [Printed by Samuel Loudon], [1777]
Cyfres:LLMC-digital (Series)
Mynediad Ar-lein:LLMC Digital
Eitemau Perthynol:Print version: In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, Kingston, April 1, 1777.

Trafodyn Cynhadledd Monograph Mynediad Ar-lein

Gwaith Cynnal a Chadw ar y Gweill

Rydym yn gwneud gwaith cynnal a chadw ar ein System Rheoli'r Llyfrgell ar hyn o bryd

Nid yw gwybodaeth am y stoc nac am argaeledd yr eitemau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Rydym yn ymddiheuro am unrhyw anhwylustod. Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth.


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