By the Hon. Major General Arnold, commander in chief of the forces of the United States of American in the city of Philadelphia, &c., A proclamation : In order to protect the persons and property of the inhabitants of this city from insult and injury, to secure the public and private stores which the enemy may have left in the city and to prevent the disorder and confusion ... His Excellency George Washington, in compliance with the following resolution of Congress, has thought proper to establish military law in this city

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awduron Corfforaethol: United States. Continental Army, United States. Continental Congress
Awduron Eraill: Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801
Cyhoeddwyd: [Philadelphia] : [publisher not identified], [1778]
Mynediad Ar-lein:LLMC Digital
Eitemau Perthynol:Print version: By the Hon. Major General Arnold, commander in chief of the forces ... in the city of Philadelphia, &c. A proclamation.

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