The voyages made by the sieur D.B. to the islands Dauphine or Madagascar & Bourbon or Mascarenne in the years 1669. 70. 71 & 72

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Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Príomhchruthaitheoir: Du Bois, Sieur
Rannpháirtithe: Oliver, Samuel Pasfield, 1838-1907
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: London, Printed for D. Nutt by T. and A. Constable, 1897.
Rochtain ar líne:Center for Research Libraries
Le fáil in:Microfilm version: voyages made by the sieur D.B. to the islands Dauphine or Madagascar & Bourbon or Mascarene in the years 1669, 70, 71, & 72.
Print version: Voyages made by the sieur D.B. to the islands Dauphine or Madagascar & Bourbon or Mascarenne in the years 1669. 70. 71 & 72.
Global Resources Program:Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP)

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