Boston, May 12, 1774 : Gentlemen, By the last advices from London we learn that an act has been passed by the British parliament for blocking up the harbour of Boston .

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: Boston Committee of Correspondence
Outros autores: Cooper, William, 1720-1809
Publicado: [Boston] : [publisher not identified], [1774]
Acceso en liña:LLMC Digital
Títulos relacionados:Print version: Boston, May 12, 1774. Gentlemen, By the last advices from London we learn that an act has been passed by the British Parliament for blocking up the harbour of Boston ... And as this is a cause so interesting to all America ... we cannot entertain a thought so dishonorable to our friends, that in this crisis we shall be left to struggle alone ...

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