By His Excellency Richard Earl of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation : Whereas the proprietors of East-New-Jersey have been very pressing with the Right Honourable, the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, to have the priviledge of a port at Perth-Amboy ... Given at Fort William Henry the twenty fourth day of May, 1698 .

Forbidding all ships with dutiable cargo to enter New Jersey ports without first paying customs at New York.

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Korporativna značnica: New York (Colony). Governor (1698-1701 : Bellomont)
Izdano: [New York] : Printed and sold by William Bradford, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in the city of New-York, anno Domini 1698.
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