By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation[.] : Whereas the French and Indians of Canade have lately invaded the country of the Indians of the Five Nations ... I have therefore ... prohibited the transportation of Indian corn and pease from the county of Albany, Ulster and Dutches County, to any other county or place down the river, until the first day of April now next ensuing ... Given at Fort William Henry the twelfth day of September ... annoq ; Domini 1696

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Autor corporatiu: New York (Colony). Governor (1692-1698 : Fletcher)
Altres autors: Fletcher, Benjamin, 1640-1703
Publicat: [New York] : Printed by William Bradford, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, at the Bible in the city of New-York., 1696.
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Publicació relacionada:Print version: By His Excellency Coll. Benjamin Fletcher captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation.

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