A contribution to an English translation of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects : comprising all the titles on purchase and sale -- letting and hiring -- mortgages -- evictions -- warranty -- and allied subjects ; being lib. XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., and tit. VII. of lib. XIII

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Главный автор: Voet, Johannes, 1647-1713 (Автор)
Другие авторы: Berwick, T. (Thomas), 1826-1915 (Редактор, Переводчик)
Опубликовано: London : Stevens & Haynes, 1902.
Редактирование:New and rev. edition.
Серии:Making of modern law. Foreign, comparative and international law, 1600-1926.
Online-ссылка:Center for Research Libraries
Связанные документы:Print version: Contribution to an English translation of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects.

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