Public health reports.

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Korporace: United States. Marine Hospital Service, United States. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, United States. Public Health Service
Vydáno: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Marine Hospital Service, 1896-1970.
Příbuzné jednotky:Pokračuje: Abstract of sanitary reports
Absorboval: Journal of venereal disease information
Absorboval: CDC bulletin
Pokračuje jako: HSMHA health reports

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J-9741 v.14-16, no.26 (1899-Jun 1901)
J-2818 v.16, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1901)
J-9741 v.17, no.1-26 (Jan-Jun 1902)
J-2634 v.17, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1902)
J-3739 v.18 (1903)
J-2634 v.19 (1904)
J-3731 v.20-22, no.26 (1905-Jun 1907)
J-2634 v.22, no.27-v.23 (Jul 1907-1908)
J-3739 v.24, no.1-26 (Jan-Jun 1909)
J-2634 v.24, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1909)
J-3739 v.25-26 (1910-1911)
J-2634 v.27-30, no.13 (1912-Mar 1915)
J-2818 v.30, no.14-v.32, no.13 (Apr 1915-Mar 1917)
J-2634 v.32, no.14-v.33, no.13 (Apr 1917-Mar 1918)
J-2745 v.33, no.14-v.36 (Apr 1918-1921)
J-2634 v.37-38, no.13 (1922-Mar 1923)
J-2801 v.38-42 (1923-1927)
J-2634 v.43-v.50, no.26 (1928-Jun 1935)
J-2801 v.50, no.27-v.51(Jul 1935-1936)
J-2634 v.52-60 (1937-1945)
J-2818 v.61 (1946)
J-2634 v.62-67 (1947-1952)
J-2801 v.68-73 (1953-1958)
J-2818 v.74-78 (1959-1963)
J-2634 v.79 (1964)
J-2818 v.80 (1965)
J-2634 v.81-85 (1966-1970)
J-9741 Supp. v.14, no.1 Precis upon the Diagonis and Prevention of Smallpox (Jan 6, 1899)
J-9741 Supp. v.15, no.49 International System of Nomenclature of Diseases and Causes of death (Dec 7, 1900)
J-9741 Supp. v.16, no.8 Sanitation and Progress (Feb 22, 1901)
J-3739 Supp. v.18, no.35 Precis on the Fly and Mosquito as Carriers of Disease (Aug 28, 1903)
J-3739 Supp. v.18, no.38 Precis on the Management of Outbreaks of Smallpox, Diphtheria, and Scarlet Fever (Sep 18, 1903)
J-3739 Supp. v.18, no.46 Concerning the Geographic Distribution of the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Nov 13, 1903)
WANT: v.11-13 (1896-1898)
WANT: Replace due to condition v.14 (1899)

Item List

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Popis Local Call Number Stav
Supp. v.14, no.1 Precis upon the Diagonis and Prevention of Smallpox (Jan 6, 1899) J-9741 Dostupné
Supp. v.15, no.49 International System of Nomenclature of Diseases and Causes of death (Dec 7, 1900) J-9741 Dostupné
Supp. v.16, no.8 Sanitation and Progress (Feb 22, 1901) J-9741 Dostupné
Supp. v.18, no.35 Precis on the Fly and Mosquito as Carriers of Disease (Aug 28, 1903) J-3739 Dostupné
Supp. v.18, no.38 Precis on the Management of Outbreaks of Smallpox, Diphtheria, and Scarlet Fever (Sep 18, 1903) J-3739 Dostupné
Supp. v.18, no.46 Concerning the Geographic Distribution of the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Nov 13, 1903) J-3739 Dostupné
v.14-16, no.26 (1899-Jun 1901) J-9741 Dostupné
v.16, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1901) J-2818 Dostupné
v.17, no.1-26 (Jan-Jun 1902) J-9741 Dostupné
v.17, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1902) J-2634 Dostupné
v.18 (1903) J-3739 Dostupné
v.19 (1904) J-2634 Dostupné
v.20-22, no.26 (1905-Jun 1907) J-3731 Dostupné
v.22, no.27-v.23 (Jul 1907-1908) J-2634 Dostupné
v.24, no.1-26 (Jan-Jun 1909) J-3739 Dostupné
v.24, no.27-52 (Jul-Dec 1909) J-2634 Dostupné
v.25-26 (1910-1911) J-3739 Dostupné
v.27-30, no.13 (1912-Mar 1915) J-2634 Dostupné
v.30, no.14-v.32, no.13 (Apr 1915-Mar 1917) J-2818 Dostupné
v.32, no.14-v.33, no.13 (Apr 1917-Mar 1918) J-2634 Dostupné
v.33, no.14-v.36 (Apr 1918-1921) J-2745 Dostupné
v.37-38, no.13 (1922-Mar 1923) J-2634 Dostupné
v.38-42 (1923-1927) J-2801 Dostupné
v.43-v.50, no.26 (1928-Jun 1935) J-2634 Dostupné
v.50, no.27-v.51(Jul 1935-1936) J-2801 Dostupné
v.52-60 (1937-1945) J-2634 Dostupné
v.61 (1946) J-2818 Dostupné
v.62-67 (1947-1952) J-2634 Dostupné
v.68-73 (1953-1958) J-2801 Dostupné
v.74-78 (1959-1963) J-2818 Dostupné
v.79 (1964) J-2634 Dostupné
v.80 (1965) J-2818 Dostupné
v.81-85 (1966-1970) J-2634 Dostupné