Pennsylvania, ss. By the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a proclamation : Whereas "it hath pleased Almighty God through the course of the present year ... appoint Wednesday, the thirtieth day of December next, to be observed as a day of public thanksgiving and praise ... by joined a penitent confession of our sins and humble supplication for pardon ... Given ... at Philadelphia, this twenty-sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awdur Corfforaethol: Pennsylvania. Supreme Executive Council
Cyhoeddwyd: Philadelphia : Printed by John Dunlap, [1778]
Mynediad Ar-lein:LLMC Digital

Monograph Mynediad Ar-lein

Gwaith Cynnal a Chadw ar y Gweill

Rydym yn gwneud gwaith cynnal a chadw ar ein System Rheoli'r Llyfrgell ar hyn o bryd

Nid yw gwybodaeth am y stoc nac am argaeledd yr eitemau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Rydym yn ymddiheuro am unrhyw anhwylustod. Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth.


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