By His Excellency Richard Earle of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief of His Majesties province of New-York, &c. A proclamation : Whereas it is of absolute necessity for the good and prosperity of this province, that our principal and first care be in obedience to the laws of God, and the wholsome laws of England ... Given at New-York, the second day of April, 1698 .

Against "cursing, swearing, immoderate drinking, Sabbath breaking, and all sorts of lewd and profane behavior."

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Podrobná bibliografie
Korporativní autor: New York (Colony). Governor (1698-1701 : Bellomont)
Vydáno: New-York : Printed by William Bradford, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1698.
On-line přístup:LLMC Digital
Příbuzné jednotky:Print version: By his excellancy Richard earl of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief ... of New-York, &c.

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