Mr. Smith's Opinion Humbly Offered to the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, One [sic] the Seventh of June, 1734. At their Request. Occasion'd by sundry Petitions of the Inhabitants of the City of New-York, Westchester County & Queens-County, to the said General Assembly, praying an Establishment of Courts of Justice within the said Colony by Act of the Legislature : Published at the request of the said General Assembly

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Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Príomhchruthaitheoir: Smith, William, 1697-1769
Údar corparáideach: New York (Colony). General Assembly
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: [New York] : General Assembly, 1734.
Rochtain ar líne:LLMC Digital
Le fáil in:Print version: Mr. Smith's Opinion Humbly Offered to the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, One [sic] the Seventh of June, 1734. At their Request. Occasion'd by sundry Petitions of the Inhabitants of the City of New-York, Westchester County & Queens-County, to the said General Assembly, praying an Establishment of Courts of Justice within the said Colony by Act of the Legislature.

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