First national poll.

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awduron Corfforaethol: National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.), Infotech Consultants (Liberia)
Cyhoeddwyd: Monrovia, Liberia : Infotech Consultants, [1992]-
Eitemau Perthynol:Print version: First national poll
Global Resources Program:Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP)

Papur Newydd Microform

Note that CRL will digitize material from the collection when copyright allows.

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MF-12084 CAMP (1 reel) Jun 9/15, 1992; Aug 23-Sep 20, Oct 4-Nov 15, Nov 30-Dec 24, 1993; Jan 3, 1994-Dec 31, 1994/Jan 3, 1995
MF-13652 CAMP (1 reel) Jan 7/13, 1995-Feb 13, 1996; Mar 30/Apr 5, 1996
MF-18320 CAMP (1 reel) Feb 7/13-Apr 3/9, 1994; Apr 30/May 13, 1994-Jul 15/21, 1995; Jul 26/28, 1995-Feb 13, 1996; Mar 30/Apr 5, 1996; May 5/1-Jul 18/20, 1997
Neg. MF-at lab

Item List

Disgrifiad Local Call Number Statws
Feb 7/13 1994-Jul 18/20 1997 MF-18320 r.1 Ar gael
Jan.7/13 1995-Mar.30/Apr.5 1996 MF-13652 r.1 Ar gael
Jun 9/15 1992-Dec 31 1994/Jan 3 1995 MF-12084 r.1 Ar gael