The revised statutes of the state of Missouri, 1919 : to which are prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Washington's Farewell Address, Constitution of the United States, annotated and indexed, act of Congress for the formation of a state government by the people of the Territory of Missouri, ordinance of the convention assenting thereto, with the Constitution of the state of Missouri, annotated and indexed, and to which are appended laws of Missouri of limited application, and laws of the United States relating to authentication of laws and records, fugitives from justice and naturalization of aliens, together with forms applicable to the laws of Missouri : revised and promulgated by the fiftieth General Assembly

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Bibliografische gegevens
Coauteurs: Missouri, United States
Andere auteurs: McClintic, R. S. (Robert Shanklin), 1875-, Washington, George, 1732-1799
Gepubliceerd in: Jefferson City : Hugh Stephens Co., [1920]
Online toegang:LLMC Digital
Gerelateerde Items:Print version: Revised statutes of the state of Missouri, 1919.

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