In the House of Representatives, December 27. 1755. : Whereas a considerable number of the inhabitants of Nova-Scotia arrived here the 26th instant, being removed by the governour and Council of that province for the security thereof ... Ordered, that Mr. James Russell, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Hall, which such as the honourable board shall join, be a committee to provide for the support of such inhabitants of Nova-Scotia .

December 29, 1755 House order to establish a process in towns for the reception of refugees from Nova Scotia, particularly until the governor gives his orders regarding same.

Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Erakunde egilea: Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives
Argitaratua: [Boston] : [Printed by S. Kneeland], [1755]
Sarrera elektronikoa:LLMC Digital
Antzeko dokumentuak:Print version: In the House of Representatives, December 27. 1755.

Government Document Monograph Sarrera elektronikoa

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