Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty two : the committee of both Houses of the Legislature, to whom at a former session, was referred a message of His Excellency the governor, communicating sundry resolutions of the legislature of the state of Maryland, relative to the appropriation of a portion of the public lands of the United States, in certain cases, to the encouragement and support of common schools, and other seminaries of learning ; and to whom also, was referred that part of the several communications of His Excellency to both Houses, at the present session, relating to the same subject, and transmitting sundry resolutions of the states of Vermont, New Jersey, and Kentucky, relative to the same, having according to order, had the same under considertion, thereupon ask leave, respectfully, to submit the following report

Bibliografiska uppgifter
Institutionella upphovsmän: Massachusetts. General Court, Russell and Gardner (Tryckare)
Övriga upphovsmän: Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861
Publicerad: [Boston] : [Printed by Russell and Gardner], [1822]
Länkar:LLMC Digital
Relaterade poster:Print version: Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty two

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