Virginia richly valued : by the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour : out of the foure yeeres continuall trauell and discouerie for aboue one thousand miles east and west, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and sixe hundred able men in his companie : wherin are truly obserued the riches and fertilitie of those parts, abounding with things necessarie, pleasant, and profitable for the life of man : with the natures and dispositions of the inhabitants

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Главный автор: Knight of Elvas
Другие авторы: Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616 (Переводчик)
Опубликовано: At London : Printed by Felix Kingston for Matthew Lownes, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bishops head in Pauls Churchyard, 1609.
Серии:LLMC-digital (Series)
Online-ссылка:LLMC Digital
Связанные документы:Print version: Virginia richly valued, by the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour.

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