Gu ruʼi thugs dam zab pa skor bdun las mṅon spyod drag poʼi las kyi zab pa Yaṅ gsaṅ Thugs kyi phur gcig gi spyi don rnam bśad rig ʼdzin rtsal chaṅ rnam gñis kyi źal luṅ zab don baṅ mdzod : a detailed commentary on the Yaṅ gsaṅ Thugs kyi phur gcig revelations of Mchog-gyur-gliṅ-pa

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Karma-rin-chen-dar-rgyas, Mkhan-po
יצא לאור: Gangtok, Sikkim : Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1983.


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