Biol︠i︡umines︠t︡sen︠t︡si︠i︡a v Tikhom okeane : materialy Simpoziuma XIV Tikhookeanskogo nauchnogo kongressa, Khabarovsk, 1979

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Autor corporatiu: Pacific Science Congress Khabarovsk, R.S.F.S.R., Institut fiziki im. L.V. Kirenskogo, Institut biofiziki (Akademi︠i︡a nauk SSSR)
Altres autors: Hastings, John Woodward, 1927-, Gitelʹzon, Iosif Isaevich
Publicat: Krasno︠i︡arsk : In-t fiziki im. L.V. Kirenskogo SO AN SSSR, 1982.
Global Resources Program:Southeast Asia Materials Project (SEAM)

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