The national builder.

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Corporate Authors: Wholesale Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturers' Association of the Northwest, Builders' and Traders' Exchange of Chicago, Chicago Masons' and Builders' Association
其他作者: Hill, Thomas E. (Thomas Edie), 1832-1915
出版: Chicago : Wm. D. Kennedy & Co.
Chicago : National Builder Publishing Co.
Chicago : Tradepress Publishing Corpration.
在線閱讀:ProQuest - American Periodicals from the Center for Research Libraries
相關項目:Print version: National builder (Chicago, Ill.)
Absorbed: Architect, builder and woodworker, Jan. 1896; Chicago builder and trader? (Cf. National builder (Chicago, Ill.), Mar. 1896, p. 57); and: Interstate architect, Aug. 1902.
Merged with: Building age and the builders' journal, and: Permanent builder, to form: Building age and national builder.

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