The Kumârapâlacharita : (Prâkṛita dvyâśraya kâvya) : being a Prâkṛita poem intended to illustrate the eighth adhyâya (chapter) of his own Siddha-Hemachandra or grammar

Extended narrative poem on the reign of Mularaja Solanki, King of Gujarat, fl. 942-997, and his successors; illustrating the grammatical rules propounded in the author's Siddhahaimaśabdānuśāsana.

Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazar: Hemacandra, 1088-1172
Diğer Yazarlar: Pūrṇakalaśagaṇi, Pandit, Shankar Pandurang
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: Bombay : Government Central Book Depôt, 1900.
Seri Bilgileri:Bombay Sanskrit series ; no. 60.
Global Resources Program:South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)
Materyal Türü:

Resmi Belge Monograph Microform

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Item List

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Diğer Bilgiler Local Call Number Durum
no.399 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.400 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.401 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.402 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.403 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.404 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.405 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.406 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.407 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.408 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.409 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.410 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede
no.411 FICHE sheets 399-411 SAMP Kütüphanede