A report of cases in Chancery, the King's Bench, etc. : in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years of His late Majesty, King George the Second [1730-1735] : during which time Lord King was Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the Lord Raymond and Lord Hardwicke were Lord Chief Justices of England : to which are now added about seventy additional cases

Sábháilte in:
Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Príomhchruthaitheoir: Kelynge, William, d. 1774
Údair chorparáideacha: Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Great Britain. Court of King's Bench
Rannpháirtithe: King, Peter King, Lord, 1669-1734, Raymond, Robert Raymond, Baron, 1673-1733, Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of, 1690-1764
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: [Edinburgh : London : [Boston] : W. Green & Sons ; Stevens & Sons ; Agents for the United States of America, the Boston Book Co., 1903]
Sraith:English reports ; v. 25.
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