Auditors of the Imprest and Successors, enrolment books, 1563-1927 : AO 15

"Enrolments by the Auditors of Imprests and their successors, the Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, of all letters patent, warrants, commissions, and similar documents, of which knowledge was necessary for the proper discharge of their duties. From 1682 onwards there is a separate...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile korporatiboa: Great Britain. Auditors of the Imprest (Egilea), Great Britain. Commissioners of Audit (Egilea), Great Britain. Exchequer and Audit Department (Egilea), National Archives (Great Britain) (Konpilatzailea)
Saila:Records of the National Archives.
Records of the Public Record Office.
TNA ; AO 15.
Sarrera elektronikoa:Center for Research Libraries: v.69-71 (1786-1794)

Government Document Software Monograph Sarrera elektronikoa