The Nāgapaṭṭinam and other Buddhist bronzes in the Madras Museum /

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awdur: Ramachandran, T. N., 1903-
Awdur Corfforaethol: Government Museum (Madras, India)
Cyhoeddwyd: Madras : Printed by the Director of Stationery and Printing on behalf of the Govt. of Madras, 1965.
Cyfres:Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum. New series, general section ; vol. 7, no. 1.

Dogfen y Llywodraeth Monograph

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Disgrifiad Local Call Number Statws
v.7 no.1 (1965) 5/19/P1 Ar gael