Message of His Excellency, Governor Manly, relative to the Deaf and Dumb Institution in the city of Raleigh.

December 1848 message to the House of Commons by North Carolina Governor Charles Manly regarding the status of buildings for the Deaf and Dumb in Raleigh. Included were the governor's message and construction contract, as well as variations of same provided by the Deaf and Dumb Institution.

Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awdur Corfforaethol: North Carolina. Governor (1849-1851 : Manly)
Awduron Eraill: Gales, Seaton, 1828-1878 (Argraffydd)
Cyhoeddwyd: Raleigh [N.C.] : Seaton Gales, printer for the state, 1849.
Cyfres:Executive doc. (North Carolina. Governor) ; Session 1848-49, no. 12.
Mynediad Ar-lein:LLMC Digital
Eitemau Perthynol:Print version: Message of His Excellency, Governor Manly, relative to the Deaf and Dumb Institution in the city of Raleigh.

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