By the Honourable Joseph Talcott Esq ; governour of His Majesty's colony of Connecticut in New-England in America. A proclamation : His Majesty having thought fit to declare war against Spain ... Given under my hand in the Council chamber at Hartford, this thirteenth day of May ... 1740

A call for volunteers.

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Údar corparáideach: Connecticut. Governor (1724-1741 : Talcott)
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: New-London [Conn.] : Printed by Timothy Green, printer to the governour and Company, 1740.
Rochtain ar líne:LLMC Digital
Le fáil in:Print version: By the Honourable Joseph Talcott Esq; governour of His Majesty's colony of Connecticut in New-England in America. A proclamation.

Doiciméad rialtais Monograph Rochtain ar líne

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