At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the colony of Connecticut : holden at Hartford, on the eighth day of May, A.D. 1766. Upon the memorial of the Reverend Eleazar Whelock, of Lebanon ; representing to this Assembly at their sessions in May, A.D. 1763, granted said memorialist the benefit of a brief throughout this colony, for the support and encouragement of the Indian Charity-School under his care

May 8, 1766 broadside from the Connecticut General Assembly in support of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock's ministry for Indian schools. The brief was to be read in churches in order to request funds for the the support of same, following a moratorium when Indian hostilities made the announcement in chu...

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Údar corparáideach: Connecticut. General Assembly
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: New-London [Conn.] : Printed by T. Green, printer to the Governor and Company, [1766]
Sraith:LLMC-digital (Series)
Rochtain ar líne:LLMC Digital
Le fáil in:Print version: At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the colony of Connecticut.

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