The young citizen's manual ; being a digest of the laws of the state of New York and of the United States, relating to crimes and their punishments, and of such other parts of the laws of the state of New York relating to the ordinary business of social life as are most necessary to be generally known; with explanatory remarks. To which is prefixed, an essay on the principles of civil government. Designed for the instruction of young persons in general and especially for the use of schools

Sábháilte in:
Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Príomhchruthaitheoir: Conkling, Alfred, 1789-1874
Údar corparáideach: New York (State)
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Albany, Oliver Steele, 1836.
Rochtain ar líne:Center for Research Libraries
Le fáil in:Print version: young citizen's manual.

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