Communication relative to the tax on tobacco in public warehouses : October 16, 1863

October 16, 1863 Communication from various sources regarding a tax on tobacco stored at the public warehouses in Virginia. The Confederate Secretary of the Treasury sought payment from Virginia; the governor disagreed and forward all documents to the General Assembly. Of note, the governor discus...

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Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Awduron Corfforaethol: Virginia. Governor (1860-1864 : Letcher), Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury
Cyhoeddwyd: [Richmond, Va.] : [James E. Goode, Senate printer], [1863]
Cyfres:Document (Virginia. General Assembly. Senate) ; 1863 extra session, no. 7.
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