To the respectable inhabitants of the city and county of New-York : Friends and fellow citizens! In times so critical as the present, it becomes the duty of every citizen, to pay particular attention to the welfare of the community, and to counteract every measure that may tend to injure its interest .

A cautionary note to the citizenry concerning excessive exportation of goods and a declaration of the decision not to send supplies to the British troops in Boston.

Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Erakunde egilea: Committee of Observation (New York, N.Y.)
Beste egile batzuk: Low, Isaac, 1735-1791
Argitaratua: [New York] : [Printed by John Holt], [1775]
Saila:LLMC-digital (Series)
Sarrera elektronikoa:LLMC Digital
Antzeko dokumentuak:Print version: To the respectable inhabitants of the city and county of New-York.

Monograph Sarrera elektronikoa

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