The liberties, usages, and customes of the city of London : confirmed by especiall acts of Parliament with the time of their confirmation : also divers ample and most beneficiall charters granted by King Henry the 6, King Edward the 4, and King Henrie the 7th not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were : and where to find every particular grant and confirmation at large

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Bibliografische gegevens
Hoofdauteur: Calthrop, Henry, Sir, 1586-1637
Coauteur: City of London (England). Corporation
Gepubliceerd in: London : Nicholas Vavasour, and are to be sold at his shop in the Inner-Temple, 1642.
Online toegang:LLMC Digital
Gerelateerde Items:Print version: Liberties, usages, and customes of the City of London.

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