New-York, November 5, 1773. To the friends of liberty and commerce : Gentlemen, It must be strongly marked on your minds, that the end of the last non-importation agreement, was to obtain a repeal of the tyrannical act of Parliament, that imposed a duty on glass, painter's colours, paper, tea, &c. which was designed to raise a revenue from you, without your consent. You know, that so much of this act, as imposed the duty on tea, is yet unrepealed. Your honour, is therefore, bound to maintain the non-importation agreement, until this act is repealed .

Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Cassius, active 1773
Argitaratua: [New York] : [publisher not identified], [1773]
Sarrera elektronikoa:LLMC Digital
Antzeko dokumentuak:Print version: New-York, November 5, 1773. To the friends of liberty and commerce.

Monograph Sarrera elektronikoa

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Mantentze lanak direla eta, gure Liburutegia Kudeatzeko Sistema ez dago erabilgarri.

Item-en erabilgarritasunari buruzko informazioa ez dabil momento honetan. Mesedez, barkatu eragozpenak. Nahi baduzu, kontakta dezakezu zerbitzu teknikoarekin laguntza gehiagorako:


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