Good order established in Pennsilvania & New-Jersey in America, being a true account of the country; with its produce and commodities there made. And the great improvements that may be made by means of publick store-houses for hemp, flax and linnen-cloth; also, the advantages of a publick-school, the profits of a publick-bank, and the probability of its arising, if those directions here laid down are followed. With the advantages of publick granaries. Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by those that are or do intend to be concerned in planting in the said countries. All which is laid down very plain, in this small treatise; it being easie to be understood by any ordinary capacity. To which the reader is referred for his further satisfaction

第一著者: Budd, Thomas, 1648-1699
出版事項: [Philadelphia, William Bradford] 1685.
シリーズ:American Culture Series I. r.008, item 085.

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