The present state of His Majesties isles and territories in America, viz. Jamaica, Barbadoes, S. Christophers, Mevis, Antego, S. Vincent, Dominica, New-Jersey, Pensilvania, Monserat, Anguilla, Bermudas, Carolina, virginia, New-England, Tobago, New-found-land, Mary-land, New-York. With new maps of every place. Together with astronomical tables, which will serve as a constant diary or calendar, for the use of the English inhabitants in those islands; from the year 1686, to 1700

Bibliografiset tiedot
Päätekijä: Blome, Richard, -1705
Julkaistu: London, Printed by H. Clark, for D. Newman, 1687.
Sarja:American Culture Series II. r.415, item 008.

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