Andreæ Dominici Flocci, Florentini, De potestatibvs Romanorvm, lib. II. hactenus L. Fenestellæ, & falsò, & mutili adscripti, & nunc demùm postliminiò integritati, ac pristino nitori, & auctori restituti, studio ac industria Egidii Wiitsii I.C. Brugens. Pomponij Læti, Raphaelis Volaterrani, & Henrici Bebelij, eiusdem argumenti libelli, ab eodem accuratè castigati, adpressi sunt

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Fenestella, L. (Lucius), d. 1452
מחברים אחרים: Leto, Giulio Pomponio, 1428-1497, Maffei, Raffaele, 1455-1522, Bebel, Heinrich, 1472-1518, Wyts, Gilles
יצא לאור: Antverpiæ, ex officina Gulielmi Syluij, 1561.
סדרה:Books printed in the Low Countries before 1601 ; r.102 item 1.
Global Resources Program:Southeast Asia Materials Project (SEAM)

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