Acts of the General Assembly of the province of New-Jersey : from the surrender of the government to Queen Anne, on the 17th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1702, to the 14th day of January 1776 : To which is annexed, the ordinance for regulating and establishing the fees of the Court of Chancery of the said province : With three alphabetical tables, and an index

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Korporativna značnica: New Jersey
Drugi avtorji: Allinson, Samuel, 1739-1791
Izdano: Burlington [N.J.] : Printed by Isaac Collins, printer to the King, for the province of New-Jersey, 1776.
Online dostop:LLMC Digital
Sorodne knjige/članki:Print version: Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey.

Government Document Monograph Online dostop

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