Sonā padamaṇī : Bundelakhaṇḍanī lokakathāo

Folk-tales from Bundelkhand, retold.

Sábháilte in:
Sonraí bibleagrafaíochta
Príomhchruthaitheoir: Varmā, Nirañjana, 1917-1951
Rannpháirtithe: Parmar, Jaymall Pragjibhai, 1911-
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Amadāvāda : Bhāratī Sāhitya Saṅgha, 1950.
Eagrán:Āvrtti 3.
Sraith:SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project ; item 14026.
Kiśora granthāvali ; 3.
Global Resources Program:South Asia Materials Project (SAMP)

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